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Alter Image was an arts magazine series commissioned by Channel 4 in the 80's. This program is dedicated to

Keith Khan.


His early work was created for clubs, for example the Zap club in Brighton, Pyramid club, New York (“Images from Purdah” with Diane Esguerra). He created large ink drawings on muslin, that were used as installations in his performances, along with extravagant costuming. His first performances, such as “Soucouyan” (Bluecoat, Liverpool) and “Flying Costumes, Floating Tombs” (Arnolfini / LIFT) featured diverse casts of drummers and dancers from African, Asian and Caribbean backgrounds, framed by community groups from deaf choirs, club DJ´s and canoeists, in these very designed environments. Thematically, these performances were based on the images from Caribbean folklore. 

You may click here to see more of Keith's work throughout the years.

Tellemann, 2020

Digital Animation 

Made for web platforms and mobile devices

Z (zeta), 2020

14 min film

Premiere 8th June LADA screens

China/ India, 2019

Research films

Made for Manchester International Festival

artist's bio

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